Finally started scrapbooking Scotland
Last night I finally started scrapbooking my 6 months in Scotland. I started with the easiest and most contained part - my 6-day trip to the West Coast of Scotland with Amie and Laurie last July. Since it was only 6 days, it couldn't be that many pages, right? WRONG!! We saw so many amazing sights and went so many gorgeous places that I couldn't leave anything out. According to my plan, this trip will be in its own self-contained album, and will be approximately 30 pages. I only started it last night - I did the title page and the first 2-page spread. I'm posting pics of those pages so that Laurie and Amie can see them, since it's hard to share my book with them "across the pond". (Granted the pics aren't my best. I haven't figured out a good way to photograph scrapbook pages -I'll have to look into that). But anyway, here you go. Hope you ladies enjoy. I sure enjoyed the trip, and am having a blast remembering it as I create my scrapbook.

The title page: "SCOTLAND Highlands and Islands Tour, July 1-6, 2007"
Journaling reads: "Our highlands and islands tour began in Oban, 'the Gateway to the Isles.' Because of an accident on the roadway, we missed our ferry from Oban, so we spent the evening there and took a 6:00 ferry the next morning. So that first evening we hiked up to the highest point in Oban, to the Coliseum at the top of the hill. It is built to resemble the Roman Coliseum, with high stone arch windows and doors. The view out to the Oban Harbour at twilight was beautiful, so peaceful and serene. THe walk up to the Coliseum was difficult, especially with my sprained ankle, but we rested along the way and enjoyed the enormous and colorful hydrangeas. Day 1 of our trip was a success, and a glimpse of the rest of the week to come."
1. What is the name of the title font?
2. On the 2-page layout, is the paper printed with the "swirls" or are those rub ons?
Love them! Gorgeous. Will you come do pages for me? Yours are so much better than mine. And, the photos of the pages are good. I've never taken any that clear.
1. The font (on both the title page and journaling on the 2-pager) is Celtic Garamond the 2nd. This is going to be the font throughout this book, and maybe all my Scotland pages (like I used Arabolical on the Dubai pages).
2. On the 2-pager, the swirls are part of the paper design, not rubons or stamps. This is some of that Bohemian paper I got at Recollections, but I think I've seen it or something similar at Hobby Lobby.
Glad you like the pages, but they're no better than yours. I always enjoy seeing the creativity you put into your pages.