"Christmas Time Is Here" Photos
it was beautiful!
pre-concert conversation with the kids pre-concert warm-ups
my fabulous bell choir - Ally, Claire, Breanne, Alli,
Hannah, Abigail, Christa, and Lauren the Wild Worship choir!
I got to sing with them on Mercy Me's "Silent Night" - so fun!
boomwhackers - they did a great job
directing this choir is one of my favorite things!
We combined with the 2nd/3rd grade choir for two songs. We closed with
"All Is Well" - warm light, candles, and one of the most beautiful
Christmas songs ever. It was so good! The 6th grade girls signed "One King" - it was captivating.
sixth grade girls
an incredible group of leaders - Michelle, Danna, Paige, Melissa,
me, Sharon, and Genny the "Fab Five" - Sharon, Paige, Melissa, me, and Genny -
it is a blast working with these ladies! hey, we got a picture of us that we both actually like!
me and the Holmes ladies