My Balcony Garden
Nobody would deny that I do NOT have a green thumb. But I do enjoy having flowers on my balcony, and homegrown tomatoes are a must in the summer. So while Mom was here over spring break, we planted several plants. They make my balcony so cheerful, and since I love spending time out there this time of year, it's like my own personal sanctuary.
In another pot I did my usual big assortment of flowers. I really enjoyed the lemon zest petunias last year so I planted them again, surrounded with red verbena and white alyssum and a big spike in the middle. Right now it's not very full, but I'm sure when those petunias get going, it'll be fabulous.
The most exciting part for me was finding bluebonnet plants at Home Depot. So I have my own little bluebonnet patch on my balcony! But that will be another post in itself. So for now, enjoy these last pics of my balcony garden. I'm sure I will be enjoying it a lot this spring/summer.