Christmas in Reverse

Well, after an exhausting weekend, Christmas in Reverse is finally over. I admit I always feel a let-down the day after the musical, knowing that we won't be working with those songs anymore. I almost always fall in love with the music, the message, and the story of the children's musicals, and it's hard to let them go. That's especially true with this one, since it's the first Christmas musical I've directed, and you all know how much I LOVE Christmas.

Anyway, last night's presentation went much better than Saturday night's (at least in my opinion). We had a large crowd in the congregation, and the kids seem to feed on that energy and strive to do their best. Last night, the scoffers did not get attacked by a palm tree and made it out to laugh at Noah at the right time, the wise men did not have to deal with unruly and one-legged camels, all four shepherds herded the mass of little sheep, Mary and Joseph's harmony was absolutely beautiful, the angels sang the good news from the baptistry, and the light of the star radiated throughout the sanctuary. I must say, my favorite moment was at the beginning of "Silent Night" when the soft spotlight shown on the whole nativity and the star was shining in the baptistry. It was so beautiful. I wanted to reach for my camera, but knew I didn't have time before I needed to bring the kids in to sing, so I told Rebecca, "Quick, take a picture!" I hope she (or someone else) got the shot. Here are a few of my best pictures from the weekend.

Mary and Joseph - this first picture of Mary (Brittany) and baby Jesus is my absolute favorite!
Angel choir, including Gabriel and Joseph's angel

Shepherds and sheep

Wise men

Prophets and Noah's group

Star, innkeeper, and narrators

Me and my "best girls"

Unfortunately, I didn't get any full choir pictures since I was directing. These others were taken when other things were going on and I wasn't needed in the conductor's seat. I know Brenda and Dave took pictures during the presentation, so hopefully I'll be able to share choir pictures soon. But I will go on the record as saying the choir worked really hard and did a great job.


Genny said…
These pictures are so wonderful! I can't wait to have copies of all of them. What a fantastic weekend.
Anonymous said…
Great pictures. I can't wait to see everyone else's. I think I might have even gotten a few good ones myself. Between all the cameras snapping pics, we should be able to have some great scrapbook pages. And I loved the "Silent Night" scene too. Hopefully someone got a good one of that.

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