Down Under, Day #7 - Adelaide

On day #7, we had a rather low-key, low-photography day. We slept late (we needed that after several early mornings in a row) and then enjoyed the complimentary breakfast at our hotel. Eventually we headed out to see a little bit of Adelaide, a small city on the South Australian coast. Maybe it was the fact that the weather was rather grey; maybe it was the fact that my legs were cramping and killing me; maybe it was the fact that there was no way Adelaide could possibly compare to Kangaroo Island - but we just weren't all that impressed with Adelaide. We walked around the city - my favorite part was the university - and eventually made our way back to the hotel to catch a taxi to the airport. 

Here are a few sights from around Adelaide:
University of Adelaide
Great War memorial
We flew back to Sydney and made reservations for another early morning adventure to the Blue Mountains, then called it an early night. Not the most exciting day of my trip, but not every day can be amazing, and every day had been up to this point. Day 7 just got me geared up and ready for the rest of the trip.


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