Fort Worth Zoo - A Good Friday Experience
On Good Friday I celebrated the day off of work by joining my college friends, Katie and Trent, and their son L for a visit to the Fort Worth Zoo. (At Katie's request, I will not name L here, and am posting only a small number of pics of him. Suffice it to say I took a lot more people pics than are reflected here.) We had a great time - the weather was fabulous, and the animals seemed to be enjoying it just as much as we did. Many of them were more active than I've ever seen them. We spent a few hours wandering through Africa, Asia, Parrot Paradise, and even Texas Wild, seeing all the typical zoo animals. If you've never been to the Fort Worth Zoo, I highly recommend it, though you might consider half-price Wednesdays.
In a group of three Bama grads, it's only natural that the elephants were at the top of our favorite exhibits.
In a group of three Bama grads, it's only natural that the elephants were at the top of our favorite exhibits.
on a completely unrelated note, can i ask a blog favour? would you mind changing your comment thingy to where it comes up in a pop-up? that would save me having to go back and forth and back and forth on days that you post more than one blog... since i tend to comment on all of them. ;)
Looks like you had a great time!